April 28, 2012

Travel and Dreams

"Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today"
- James Dean

Phil Post Office - right wing

When people dreamed of the Big Apple, I was dreaming of Europe and U.K. Yes my dream destinations. The continent I want to visit. Since when?, since my love for history sprouted and when my eyes droll for magnificent structures and anything made of bricks. I couldn't get enough of it.

I am not giving up yet. Yes, there's no giving up, because when you love your dreams you'll continue to pursue them until all the patience and hard work paid off. As of the moment, I will liven my dreams through great structures on sight.

April 26, 2012


"Hope is the pillar that holds up the world"
-Pliny the Elder
Philippine Post Office

College days were the times when I got hooked with Greek Mythology. My memories of  how Poseidon saved me from a quiz bee and Pandora gave the word "hope" a different meaning in my life were still fresh. 

With all the chaos around, I am grateful that hope was left in Pandora's box. With that said, I am hoping that people will unite for the common good of our country. As long as we stand divided with our selfish motives, we cannot move further.  Let's serve as the pillar for our country's betterment.

April 24, 2012

PhilPost old printing section

"Happiness is a wine of the rarest vintage, and seems insipid to a vulgar taste"
-Logan Pearsall Smith
The old printing room of the Philippine Post Office

I was surprised myself on how my perceptions with things changed. As a child I used to love anything fancy and fairy tale like, but now I am more appreciative of the old, vintage and antiques. I am fascinated with the story and history of old barren places like this old printing section of the Philippines Post Office. Yes, it's dilapidated but somehow it's magical. Happiness over simple matters.

April 21, 2012


“If we are always arriving and departing, it is also true that we are eternally anchored. One's destination is never a place but rather a new way of looking at things.”
-Henry Miller
The stern of Golden Vulture and that rope ties to the anchor

If only it was allowed, I will sit on that part of the boat. Not just for the salty fresh air, but it's a good spot to take photos.  And what I feel now is best described on the quote above. It's hard to put the words together.

April 19, 2012

Sail Away

"He that will not sail till all dangers are over must never put to sea"
--Dr. Thomas Fuller
A cargo ship for companion while on board the Golden Vulture.

Is that a big wave to where the vessel is heading? (knees trembling not then but right now, gee I didn't noticed that until today, on the picture)

I guessed that we're only 30 minutes away from Puerto Galera when we encountered this cargo vessel. At this juncture, I was on my right state of mind (sleepy though ) and well acquainted with the sea again. No more jitters uh? Yes, I'm kinda boastful like that to even stare at the tiny bits of water that were about to hail my face only the boat is covered and it's HUGE. Hahaha.

And no I'm NOT BUSY today....just LAZY

April 17, 2012

How to overcome trauma

"A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for"
-William Shedd
MSL's Golden Vulture picking passengers in Puerto Galera

This  huge boat which can board 150 passengers ditched my trauma of the sea and boat per se after that bumpy whirlwind ala roller coaster adventure in Quezon Province. Upon seeing it, man I had that boasting feeling of declaring war with the waves. Bring em' on and rock our boat. After almost an hour and a half ride in the wide sea under the hot sun, we set foot in  Puerto Galera. Then the fun begun.

Note: To overcome your fear or trauma from a previous sea adventure, make sure you go up aboard a big boat and station yourself near the life jackets, okay? 

April 13, 2012

Explore. Dream. Discover

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover "
--Mark Twain 

Who says building sand castles is just for kiddo? (Puerto Galera)

Mark Twain's words are epic, tried and tested. I don't have to look far for testimony. Why should I when I have myself to prove them. Seems like some of my years were gone to waste sticking to routines. I am happy with what I had accomplished, but if I could bring back the time, I would opt for more adventures, hard roads,  build sand castles and devour every opportunity the good heaven will pour upon me.

And since my birthday is fast approaching (*couhg, ahem-ahem), I can feel the urge to do what I have to do. And why do I feel this creepy feeling of not wanting my birthday to come?

April 10, 2012

Direct your Path

"If one does not know to which port ONE is sailing, no wind is favorable"
Puerto Galera

I am temporarily suspended on a  blank state. My sail is down and if ever it comes to rising I have no exact destination. There are decisions to be made but what makes it harder are the choices. There are numerous plans but thinking about them makes me tired, but I know I have to go on sailing until I reached the port where my sail is supposed to be directed.
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