July 6, 2012

A tinge of loneliness

"Pain is not a sign of weakness,
but bearing it alone is a choice to grow weak"
-Lori Deschene

That feeling when you are surrounded by people and yet you feel alone.
That instant when you thought you're not doing any single right thing.
Dearies, give yourself a break, I mean give our hearts a break.
And every time your heart feels a tinge of loneliness,
start counting the blessings and cast those fears aside.


  1. "And every time your heart feels a tinge of loneliness,
    start counting the blessings and cast those fears aside."

    well-said. whenever we're sad, we should remember to look into our blessings and the things that make us happy.

    i hope all is well with you, Sey! take care and God bless <3 :-)

  2. http://goo.gl/m794u

  3. this is true... sometimes in our lives, we feel that thingy, i feel alone sometimes and as if i always did wrong. but no matter what, JUST COUNT blessings :D

  4. selfexpressioneventsJuly 18, 2012 at 12:21 AM

    Sey, this quote hits pretty close to home for me. I go it alone more often than I should.

    Thank you for this reminder.


  5. we're almost the same on this light.

  6. I am glad to know that I m not alone on this weird feeling. I think that what makes us human after all.

  7. all is well with me, just a bit busy. Hope everything is well with you too.

  8. :) you bleed just to show you're alive.

  9. me too. I almost take everything on my own


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